Movie Review : Nico's Weg!


Nico's Weg

Hiiii everyone👋🏻 We met again, it's me, Mayra Zahabiya and today I'm going to review my current watched movie from Germany, the title of the movie is Nico's Weg.

Nico's weg is such a great movie!💯 I loveeeee this movie so much🤩This movie is one of the education movie that can help people to learn and speak Germany. We can improve our listening skill and explore a lot of vocabulary from this movie.

The plot in this movie is outstanding, but I think people found it difficult because the English subtitle is not available.

In the movie, Nico was coming to Germany from Spain to visit his aunt, Yara. But the fun thing is, Nico is a clumsy person. He lost his bag in the airport and all of his important stuffs were there. 

But fortunately, he met Emma and Lisa who helped him find his bag. Nico can't speak German fluently so Lisa and the others taught him how to speak German a little bit. Lisa’s father who is also a police officer helps Nico to find his bag. 

Nico doesn't know where is his aunt's house. Therefore, he stayed in Lisa’s house until he finds his bag. He only knows the name of his aunt and his aunt opens a bicycle shop.

But what’s interesting from this movie is, even though he lost in a foreign country and he cannot speaks the language well, it didn't make him give up easily. 

He met a lot of people there and they were such good people. They treated him nicely. They teach Nico about the German’s language and also the culture.

My favorite character is absolutely Nico because even though he’s clumsy, he is also a hard worker. He didn’t gave up easily, instead he tried to learns new things. He inspired me a lot!

I would like to rate this movie 8.5/10 because it’s a good movie that teach us about German’s language and we can improve our skill by watching it, it also have a great plot and it was interesting for me!!✨

I think that's all from me today, see y'all later. Vielen Dank!<3


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